Project information
BookMart - An Online Book Shopping Platform
Technology: - Eclipse - Java - Spring Boot - Spring MVC - Spring Data JPA - Maven - Mokito - JUnit - MySQL - HTML5 - CSS3 - Thymeleaf - Machine Learning - Apache Mahout
An Online Book Shopping Platform build using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring MVC, Thymeleaf and MySQL Database (Business Layer and CRUD Layer APIs) with capabilities of Caching Data and Recommending Books to Users (using Apache Mahout). Implemented a User based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm for Recommending Books. - Used Euclidean Distance Similarity, Nearest N User Neighborhood and Generic User Based Recommended to get best quality recommendations. - Achieved the lowest evaluation score of 0.5 using Euclidean Distance Similarity as compared to other similarity measures to provide the best quality recommendations.